International Workshop “Plasma, Catalysis and Thin Films for Conversion Processes”

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  3. International Workshop “Plasma, Catalysis and Thin Films for Conversion Processes”


International Workshop “Plasma, Catalysis and Thin Films for Conversion Processes”

29.04.2025 – 30.04.2025 | 00:00 - 00:00 Uhr | Region außerhalb Sachsen

Feierabendhaus Marl | Lipper Weg 201 | 45772 Marl

Plasma Technology has a large potential to support catalytic processes in two respects. Firstly, plasmas enable chemical processes with high activation energies and can be used for the conversion of gases or the modification of liquids. The inclusion of catalytic surfaces in such plasma-chemical processes can enhance their selectivity and/or efficiency.

This international workshop aims to present the fundamentals of plasma and catalysis technology, in connection with emerging applications, such as gas cleaning, CO2 conversion, plasma pyrolysis, nitrogen fixation and other chemical synthesis. Plasma processes for catalyst preparation will be the second topic. Thus, the workshop is addressed to catalysis and plasma experts, material specialists, process engineers, machine and component engineers, as well as decision-makers of the technology fields. Companies are encouraged to present their technical solutions in a digital conference booklet. PhD and postdoc researchers are encouraged to present their work as poster presentations.

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