Call for Applications | Startup Incubation Program

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  3. Call for Applications | Startup Incubation Program


Call for Applications | Startup Incubation Program

31.01.2025 | 00:00 - 23:59 Uhr | Region Leipzig

HHL DIGITAL SPACE | Jahnallee 59 | 04109 Leipzig

For the twelfth time, we are offering our structured startup incubation program to venture projects. Apply with your pitch or read deck by 31 January 2025. Benefit from: ?? Dedicated Coaches ? Input Sessions in Class ? Peer Learning ? Network Events ? Public Exposure The program is in English. We do not ask for money or shares, but for commitment and dedication.

Starting in April 2025, we will offer our Startup Incubation Program to venture projects for the twelfth time. Take your chance to participate in our structured program from idea to prototype. Benefit from:

?? Dedicated Coaches

? Input Sessions in Class

? Peer Learning

? Network Events

? Public Exposure

The program is in English. We do not ask for money or shares, but for commitment and dedication.

Important dates are:

? Q&A: January 15, 6-6.30pm | Online

? Application Deadline: January 31 | Pitch/Read Deck via email to digitalspace[at]hhl(dot)de.

? Takeoff: April 4 | HHL DIGITAL SPACE in Leipzig

? Launch Day | Final Pitch Event: June 27

Over 75 venture projects have already participated. Thanks to their feedback, the Financial Times ranked us as one of Europe’s leading startup hubs in 2024.

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