Saxon Projects for Innovation & Transfer

  1. The innovation platform of the Free State of Saxony
  2. Transfer
  3. Saxon Projects for Innovation & Transfer

Initiate and consolidate cooperations!

Die Sächsische Transfer Roadshow macht erfolgreiche Transferprojekte mit Modellchakater sichtbar.

Saxony's companies and research institutions cooperate in various projects to strengthen regional transfer and to implement innovations together with local and regional SMEs. futureSAX actively supports these networks by integrating them in various formats and by increasing the visibility of the projects and their partners. All new projects are listed in the links beyond (in German only). Please contact us for any questions.

rECOmine - rethinging resources

BMBF-Projekt: WiR! Change through innovation in regions

Freiberg - Regional Alliance on Mining Waste

Regional Alliance on Mining Contaminated Sites

The recomine alliance works at the interface of environmental, resource technology and digitalization on the topic of mining waste. While mining sites are considered either as remaining resources or as environmental hazards worthy of remediation, the recomine alliance follows a holistic approach.


In recomine an innovative technology platform is being developed, which aims to combine the elimination of environmental pollution with the development of finely distributed raw material sources. The implementation is carried out by a broad alliance with more than 40 partners from research, industry, trade and society in the Erzgebirge region. Since many mining and smelting sites around the world have similar problems and issues, newly developed solutions are tested at development sites in the Erzgebirge, further developed and then offered on the world market.

In three initial projects, the management and strategy of the recomine alliance will be (further) developed and added value for the model region Erzgebirge will be created for the innovative remediation of contaminated sites. The initial projects include:

  • Development of a joint alliance strategy to generate innovations in the Ore Mountains region and thus provide social and economic impetus
  • Coordination and development of a joint sales structure with global reach
  • Transfer office for applications for cooperation and exploitation strategies
  • Optimized exchange with social interest groups and authorities

Four selected technical recome projects will address the resource potential of heavy metal contaminated mine waters, the resource potential of precipitated sediments from mine waters, the forestry of tailings pile properties, and the bioleaching of tailings pile material. Further projects will follow after a further round of selection by the recomime advisory board in Q3 2020 and Q1 2021.

Smart Composites ERZgebirge

BMBF-Project: WiR! Change through innovation in regions

Annaberg-Buchholz - cross-sector technology clusters

The SmartERZ Alliance

The Erzgebirge is facing major social and structural changes: demographic change, digitization and fundamental changes, for example in the automotive industry. This poses enormous challenges for many of the small and micro-enterprises located here. At the same time, the impending development holds great opportunities for the region, which has been reinventing itself time and again for 800 years.

SmartERZ wants to support companies in successfully mastering this effort. To this end, the alliance is pursuing one goal: the transformation of the Erzgebirge region into a leading high-tech location for functionalized, novel composite materials, so-called smart composites.

The entrepreneurs of the Erzgebirge are visionary by tradition. Committed to this tradition, the SmartERZ (Smart Composites Erzgebirge) alliance of currently 160 partners from business and science has set out to initiate innovation-driven structural change in the Erzgebirge region over the next five years. The first four projects were launched at the end of 2019:

  • SMARTStrat - Testing and manufacturing strategies for smart composite applications up to series production
  • eHeatDigiLine - Configurator based production line of individual textile vehicle heaters for e-mobility
  • StrukTronik - Structurally conformal embedding of microelectric systems in thermoplastic composite structures
  • SmartHydro - Technology development for intelligent tank carrier systems of hydrogen-powered vehicles

The cross-industry and cross-company technology cluster SmartERZ brings the necessary partners together. It specifically promotes exchange, networking and cooperation between the various players in the region. The alliance already includes more than 160 partners from business, science and society.

Lausitz - Life and Technology

BMBF-Projekt: WiR! Change through innovation in regions

Zittau - cross-competence network in the border triangle

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Regional alliance in the Lausitz triangle

With Life and Technology (L&T), an alliance has been created which, with a network of its partners spanning all areas of expertise, pursues the clear goal of strengthening the economic power in the tri-border region while at the same time counteracting the current and future shortage of skilled workers through a modern, diverse range of (further) education opportunities. Lausitz - Life and Technology is a cooperation project of the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz, the district of Görlitz, ULT AG and the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU.

With regard to the structural change in the economy and society and the associated digital transformation, L&T would like to offer new perspectives, approaches and innovative technologies. To this end, four fields of innovation are being expanded in the form of various projects:

  • Networked energy systems through storage technologies
  • Additive manufacturing for more efficient production
  • Non-formal regional education
  • Attractive living and working spaces.

L&T receives supra-regional and international support due to the central location of Lusatia in the border triangle of Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany and the resulting historical connections.

LESSIE – Leipziger Smart Service Engineering

Leipzig - Regional Cooperation Network for Smart Services

Regional Cooperation Network for Smart Services

LESSIE pursues the goal of strengthening the digital service economy with partners from the Leipzig area, Central Germany and Saxony. Best practices, show cases and thus the expertise of the participating companies are to be demonstrated in a Smart Service Lab over the long term and make the potential of data-driven services tangible.

At LESSIE, the companies and their fields of activity are at the center of all considerations. The partners jointly identify important areas in which innovations should be shaped by smart services. As part of the LESSIE method, these topics are used to gain impulses and ideas with scientific support, explore possibilities for a concrete implementation of Smart Services and establish partnerships for collaboration. The topics are therefore scientifically moderated and developed in cooperation with the companies. As a result, the companies are to be provided with concretely implementable solutions and transfer possibilities in working groups.

  • Blockchain-based Smart Services
  • Digital working worlds in Smart Service Systems
  • Innovation through Smart Services with 3D Printing
  • Medical Data Analytics for Smart Health Services
  • Smart services for decentralized data management
  • Smart services in public administration

LESSIE is open to companies from all sectors and areas that wish to develop further in the course of digitization and pass on requirements, experience and expertise. The network is managed by IFDT - Institut für Digitale Technologien gGmbH.

Transfer network Saxony5 of the Saxon HAW

Bund-Länder-funding initiative "Innovative Hochschule

Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz, Zwickau

Saxony5-Co-Creation Labs

Saxony5-Co-Creation Labs - Ready-to-use solutions for the challenges of our time

Within the framework of the Saxony5 network of the five Saxon Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW), 6 research and development teams combine their technical strengths and experimental possibilities to form a system provider for the regional economy.

In co-creation labs we develop new products, processes or problem solutions for our partners for the urgent challenges of our time via concrete projects. By demonstrating new technologies and testing ideas on a low-threshold basis, innovative product approaches often emerge. These can then be implemented in projects together with our partners.


Currently we offer our partners in the Co-Creation Labs concentrated competence in the following areas:

  • Factory of the Future (Digital Leadership, Smart Operations, Smart Factory, Employees, Smart Products, Data driven Service)
  • Networked mobility (networked and autonomous driving, V2X and charging communication, Smart Grid, Smart City, human-machine interaction)
  • Additive manufacturing (laser-based 3D printing of metal and ceramics, plastics, and in architecture and construction)
  • Supply infrastructure (electricity, heat, cooling, gas, water, sewage, data, IT, networks)
  • Agriculture and biodiversity (organic farming, reduction of nitrate leaching, genetic diagnosis, biodiversity in agroecosystems, climate protection and adaptation, substitution and elimination of critical biocides)
  • Surface technology (surface analysis, surface structuring, surface functionalization, coating technology)

To strengthen the research-based transfer of knowledge and technology, the Saxon Universities of Applied Sciences (HAW) in Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz and Zwickau have joined forces. The transfer network "Saxony5" bundles the resources and competencies of the five HAW as well as of several direct partners. By means of interdisciplinary cooperation and intelligent networking, a new quality of transfer in terms of content and methodology is to be achieved, and thus a sustainable welfare development for the region.

Transfer network Saxony5 of the Saxon HAW

Bund-Länder-funding initiative "Innovative Hochschule

Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz, Zwickau

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Regional Alliance on Mining Contaminated Sites

The recomine alliance works at the interface of environmental, resource technology and digitalization on the topic of mining waste. While mining sites are considered either as remaining resources or as environmental hazards worthy of remediation, the recomine alliance follows a holistic approach.


In recomine an innovative technology platform is being developed, which aims to combine the elimination of environmental pollution with the development of finely distributed raw material sources. The implementation is carried out by a broad alliance with more than 40 partners from research, industry, trade and society in the Erzgebirge region. Since many mining and smelting sites around the world have similar problems and issues, newly developed solutions are tested at development sites in the Erzgebirge, further developed and then offered on the world market.

In three initial projects, the management and strategy of the recomine alliance will be (further) developed and added value for the model region Erzgebirge will be created for the innovative remediation of contaminated sites. The initial projects include:

  • Development of a joint alliance strategy to generate innovations in the Ore Mountains region and thus provide social and economic impetus
  • Coordination and development of a joint sales structure with global reach
  • Transfer office for applications for cooperation and exploitation strategies
  • Optimized exchange with social interest groups and authorities

Four selected technical recome projects will address the resource potential of heavy metal contaminated mine waters, the resource potential of precipitated sediments from mine waters, the forestry of tailings pile properties, and the bioleaching of tailings pile material. Further projects will follow after a further round of selection by the recomime advisory board in Q3 2020 and Q1 2021.

Transfer network Saxony5 of the Saxon HAW

Bund-Länder-funding initiative "Innovative Hochschule

Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz, Zwickau

Regional Alliance on Mining Contaminated Sites

The recomine alliance works at the interface of environmental, resource technology and digitalization on the topic of mining waste. While mining sites are considered either as remaining resources or as environmental hazards worthy of remediation, the recomine alliance follows a holistic approach.


In recomine an innovative technology platform is being developed, which aims to combine the elimination of environmental pollution with the development of finely distributed raw material sources. The implementation is carried out by a broad alliance with more than 40 partners from research, industry, trade and society in the Erzgebirge region. Since many mining and smelting sites around the world have similar problems and issues, newly developed solutions are tested at development sites in the Erzgebirge, further developed and then offered on the world market.

In three initial projects, the management and strategy of the recomine alliance will be (further) developed and added value for the model region Erzgebirge will be created for the innovative remediation of contaminated sites. The initial projects include:

  • Development of a joint alliance strategy to generate innovations in the Ore Mountains region and thus provide social and economic impetus
  • Coordination and development of a joint sales structure with global reach
  • Transfer office for applications for cooperation and exploitation strategies
  • Optimized exchange with social interest groups and authorities

Four selected technical recome projects will address the resource potential of heavy metal contaminated mine waters, the resource potential of precipitated sediments from mine waters, the forestry of tailings pile properties, and the bioleaching of tailings pile material. Further projects will follow after a further round of selection by the recomime advisory board in Q3 2020 and Q1 2021.

Transfer network Saxony5 of the Saxon HAW

Bund-Länder-funding initiative "Innovative Hochschule

Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz, Zwickau

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Regional Alliance on Mining Contaminated Sites

The recomine alliance works at the interface of environmental, resource technology and digitalization on the topic of mining waste. While mining sites are considered either as remaining resources or as environmental hazards worthy of remediation, the recomine alliance follows a holistic approach.


In recomine an innovative technology platform is being developed, which aims to combine the elimination of environmental pollution with the development of finely distributed raw material sources. The implementation is carried out by a broad alliance with more than 40 partners from research, industry, trade and society in the Erzgebirge region. Since many mining and smelting sites around the world have similar problems and issues, newly developed solutions are tested at development sites in the Erzgebirge, further developed and then offered on the world market.

In three initial projects, the management and strategy of the recomine alliance will be (further) developed and added value for the model region Erzgebirge will be created for the innovative remediation of contaminated sites. The initial projects include:

  • Development of a joint alliance strategy to generate innovations in the Ore Mountains region and thus provide social and economic impetus
  • Coordination and development of a joint sales structure with global reach
  • Transfer office for applications for cooperation and exploitation strategies
  • Optimized exchange with social interest groups and authorities

Four selected technical recome projects will address the resource potential of heavy metal contaminated mine waters, the resource potential of precipitated sediments from mine waters, the forestry of tailings pile properties, and the bioleaching of tailings pile material. Further projects will follow after a further round of selection by the recomime advisory board in Q3 2020 and Q1 2021.

Transfer network Saxony5 of the Saxon HAW

Bund-Länder-funding initiative "Innovative Hochschule

Dresden, Leipzig, Mittweida, Zittau/Görlitz, Zwickau

Regional Alliance on Mining Contaminated Sites

The recomine alliance works at the interface of environmental, resource technology and digitalization on the topic of mining waste. While mining sites are considered either as remaining resources or as environmental hazards worthy of remediation, the recomine alliance follows a holistic approach.


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