It is not a matter of age to get an idea and turn it into a successful business.
We inspire young people in Saxony for the topics of innovation, founding and entrepreneurship. In doing so, we encourage and strengthen them in entrepreneurial thinking and action and accompany them in the development and implementation of their ideas together with our partners.
Getting young people excited about innovative entrepreneurship (Basic)
Innovation Konkret (online)
futureSAX InnovationSchool
Strengthening the connection between school and business
- Providing information
- Visibility and networking for
- entrepreneurship
Accompany young people on their journey (Advanced)
NextGen Power Network
futureSAX InnovationSchool
NextGen Special Awards
Expertise and feedback from partner institutions
- NextGen Support Network
- Multipliers
Your central point of contact for the Saxon innovation ecosystem

Caroline Pechmann
Senior Project Manager
Start-ups & NextGen