
We support the transfer of excellent research results into practice.

Knowledge transfer

We support research and collaborative projects in their economic result utilization, which is based on the willingness of stakeholders and decision-makers from the fields of science and business.

Research utilization & validation

futureSAX supports projects under the "Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr" Validation Funding Program in evaluating the commercialization potential of scientific research results

Technology transfer

We facilitate the transfer of technologies between academia and industry to transition them into market-ready applications.

Cooperation between science and industry Saxon

  • Innovation Exchange
  • futureSAX Innovation Forum

  • Validation support (accompaniment)

Network expansion and exchange of experience

  • Saxon Transfer Network
  • Saxon Transfer Forum
  • Innovation Konkret (online)

Raising awareness and increasing familiarity

  • Saxon Transfer Roadshow
  • Saxon Transfer Award

You need more Information?

Click here for more details on our activities for Research & Transfer, and please use your browser's translation function.

Your central point of contact for the Saxon innovation ecosystem

Michael Kelber

Senior Project Manager

Technology Transfer

After studying architecture, Michael Kelber worked for several years as a research assistant in the transfer area between science and innovation at the Wissensarchitektur - Laboratory of Knowledge Architecture at the Technical University of Dresden. The focus of his research and teaching was in the areas of knowledge management and entrepreneurship as well as the transfer of methods for the development of business ideas and the exploitation of innovation potential. In parallel, Mr. Kelber accompanied a research project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to build and deepen innovation capacities in the Saxon-Polish border region. Through participation in international research conferences and academic exchanges with Waseda University in Tokyo, Mr. Kelber is familiar with cross-cultural approaches and procedures for developing research projects and business ideas. In his spare time, he recently supported the preparatory phase of a spin-off in an active role and is involved as a full member of the Film Association of Saxony. 

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Jannis Bulla

Project Manager

Research Valorization & Validation

Solving everyday problems with extraordinary ideas - this idea sparked Jannis' interest in research at an early age.

The natural sciences in particular eventually led the native of Lower Saxony to Zittau in Saxony's border triangle. Here he first studied at the HSZG and then at the IHI in the field of biotechnology.

After completing his studies, he worked for several years as a research assistant at the Chair of Food Technology at TU Dresden. There he focussed primarily on bacterial biomacromolecules. He then moved from academia to futureSAX GmbH to support research projects from the Saxon science landscape on their transfer paths in the innovation ecosystem.


Niklas Lange

Project Manager Research & Transfer

Research Utilization & Validation

(currently on parental leave)

Already during his studies, Niklas Lange gained insights into different research projects as a student assistant. After stations in Münster, Wroclaw and Leipzig, he completed his master's degree in political science at the TU Dresden.

As a research assistant at the Center ScaDS.AI, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Free State of Saxony, he then focused on the sociopolitical effects of digitization processes. The focus here was on fundamental regulatory issues relating to the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence technologies and their impact on society and democracy.

In his free time, Niklas Lange can be found either on his bicycle, on the hiking trails of Saxon Switzerland and the Zittau Mountains, or in his allotment garden.

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