futureSAX for Start-ups

Where aspiring founders meet committed partners to turn an idea into a success story.

We support innovative start-ups at all stages of their development.

Idea phase

We support Saxon founders with innovative business concepts in the phase before their innovative start-up: So that an idea becomes a success story.

Founding phase

We provide start-ups and young companies with targeted support in further developing their business models and raising their profile: so that "Ready for Take Off" becomes a successful take-off.

Growth phase

We offer advanced start-ups in the growth phase a variety of options to support them in the challenges of scaling: Making growth sustainable.

Business model development

  • Saxon Start-up Forum

  • Jury feedback

  • Start-up promotion InnoStartBonus

Increasing awareness

  • Saxon Start-up Award
  • Saxon Innovation Radar
  • futureSAX Start-up Corner

Network building and exchange of experiences

  • Saxon Start-up Partner Network
  • futureSAX Start-up Brunch
  • Innovation Konkret (online)

Access to capital

  • Saxon Investors Roadshow

  • Pitch workshops

  • futureSAX-Matching

  • futureSAX meets (Business Angels)

You need more Information?

Click here for more details on our activities for start-ups and please use your browser's translation function.

Your central point of contact for the Saxon innovation ecosystem


Anika Lorenz

Project Manager

Idea Phase & InnoStartBonus

How can geoscientific processes, such as earthquakes, be simulated on a computer with the help of physical formulae? This question and her fascination for the Erzgebirge mining region led Anika Lorenz to study geophysics at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.  She then started her career in Lower Saxony, where she worked as a Technical Data Analyst in the inspection industry for a leading global technology company. When this company was looking for a manager for the newly established site in Saxony, she accepted the challenge and spent more than three years setting up the new office with an international team in Radebeul. Impressed by the innovative spirit and can-do mentality of the Saxons, the Zwickau native wants to support founders across all sectors in realising their visions.
<p>In her free time, Anika enjoys hiking in Saxon Switzerland and volunteers for the Aidshilfe Dresden organisation and as an election campaigner.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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