Innovation-Konkret: Business Model Development for Researchers

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  3. Innovation-Konkret: Business Model Development for Researchers



Innovation-Konkret: Business Model Development for Researchers

06.12.2023 | 17:00 - 18:00

In this English edition of Innovation-Konkret, you will learn about the structure of a business model and how to develop one for your own start-up or company. What types of business models are there? And what factors come into play? In one hour concretely on point.

Business models are the basis of every commercial enterprise. They are just as important for start-ups as they are for established companies, as they describe the form in which a business idea is implemented. It is important to learn and iterate quickly, to concretize the business idea and to expand and secure competitive advantages. Scientists in particular who want to exploit their research results commercially need to know what function a business model has, how it is structured and what needs to be taken into account.

Learn valuable ideas from an experienced expert Andre Uhlmann, Technology scout of Gründernetzwerk SAXEED of Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, and then discuss how you can further develop and innovate your business model.

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Jannis Bulla

Project Manager

Research Valorization & Validation

Solving everyday problems with extraordinary ideas - this idea sparked Jannis' interest in research at an early age.

The natural sciences in particular eventually led the native of Lower Saxony to Zittau in Saxony's border triangle. Here he first studied at the HSZG and then at the IHI in the field of biotechnology.

After completing his studies, he worked for several years as a research assistant at the Chair of Food Technology at TU Dresden. There he focussed primarily on bacterial biomacromolecules. He then moved from academia to futureSAX GmbH to support research projects from the Saxon science landscape on their transfer paths in the innovation ecosystem.

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